22th May 2024

Hazinas M&M litter

By Lena C.


M&M stands for Milla & Malonyo - so nothing to do with the small chocolates! However, we pronounce it the same way: "em-and-em". We think both small puppies and small chocolates are very lovely .

We expect mating to take place in April 2024 and the puppies to be born in June.

The litter will be born and raised just outside the city of Kalundborg.

If you are interested in hearing more about our M&M litter, please do not hesitate to contact Lena on e-mail or tel: +45 3023 1450.



About the parents of our upcoming litter


Milla was born 25th September 2020. She has a lovely temperament and is very friendly, well-balanced, loving and happy. Milla happily greets both other dogs and people, and has such a wonderful attitude to life - always positiv towards new things. She has participated in the Danish Kennel Club's mental test for young dogs under 2 years old, and has shown to be 100 % gunshotproof, curious and extremely quick to release tension after having been surprised or startled. And I must also admit that she is incredibly stable. She sleeps through New Year's Eve, thunder and the hunting season in our area. And if she gets startled by a high rattling noise in a bush or a metal lid crashing down on a tiled floor, she will run immediately over and investigate the bush or the object.

Milla is an exceptional easy dog. And I will have to elaborate on this:

  • She can stay home alone for a full work day, without touching as much as a speck of dust. Outdoors, she is active and loves to play with her BFF, a Golden Retriever called Shannie, who has the same age as Milla. They play really well together.

  • Milla likes to come along on car trips - she quickly lies down in the back of the car and sleeps until we get to our destination, whether it's a trip to the shopping centre, or a trip to an exhibition in Germany - naturally with pee and water breaks on longer trips. She has no problems being on board a ferry, staying in hotels or taking the elevator. She loves to come along and experience new things.

  • She is the most teachable dog I have ever had. She learned "foot" and "stay" in minutes and "give paw" took only 10 seconds. And she has a fantastic nose. She is actually quite boring to play "seek treats" with in the garden, because she quickly gets the hang of what is hidden, even though I make a lot of effort to hide in difficult places and take the wind direction into account.

Many exhibitors know Milla as a happy, tail wagging, active girl. But few know that at home Milla is what we call in Danish a "sofa potato". She can lie for several hours and sleep on the sofa with her head in my or my son's lap when we watch TV. Or lie in the sun outside and half asleap listen to the sounds of mother nature.

Milla always comes to me when I call her (I use a dog whistle). I have attended an online course from Nordhund.dk. And this has really been a fantastic investment. It works!

As Milla grew older, she became more and more a splendid guard dog. She barks when "suspicious" people pass by on the road or an unexpected or unfamiliar sound is heard. And if I let her out, she runs round the house along hedges and fence to see if everything is as it should be. If the neighbors are in their gardens, she will go and say hallo. Everyone who meets Milla falls for her charm and sweet nature.

Milla is not the first person to get up in the morning. Oh no, it's much better to snuggle under mom's duvet while mom fixes breakfast. But when she hears the sound of me opening the cupboard to get her meal, she's there in a split second :) Milla loves food, but she behaves properly and doesn't steal food from the table. And WAUW, how easy it is to train a dog that will stand on its head for a treat :)

Visit Milla's own webpage




Malonyo was born on 15th December 2015, so he has just turned 8 years old. He is an elderly gentleman, yes, but that is nothing new at Hazinas. We have previously used older males in our breeding. And I must say that an older male has shown over a number of years what his temperament is like, and his nature, and where his activity level lies, etc. So there are no hidden surprises.

Here is a description of Malonyo from his owner, Jana:

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"Malonyo is out of the one and only litter of my older male "MCH Hazinas 6th Funanyo Barongo by U", who turns 12 years on 28th April 2024. Malonyo has been an eye catcher from puppyhood on and together we've been incredibly successful on dogshows with more than 50 Best of Breed wins and multiple Group wins and placements. Besides his outstanding show career he has been successfully trained in bloodtracking and what's most important, he is - together with his father - my loyal companion through everyday life. They both accompany me to the office and really enjoy their lazy days with lots of healthy office-sleep. 

As far as Malonyo's character is concerned, he is not a go-getter and reminds me a lot of my first Ridgeback "MCH Glenaffric Ulanyo of Zuritamu", whose temperament was outstanding. Malonyo approaches new things curiously and cautiously, but goes along with everything I do and is up for any nonsense. He is always friendly and funny and even same-sex dog encounters are completely relaxed. At shows, he can be walked in the ring with two fingers on a loose leash. He is very docile and his hunting instinct is easy to control. On the bike he runs reliably next to me without leash and on our walks he is rarely on a lead, too. He is very affectionate and leader-oriented and loves to be cuddled and stroked - if possible the whole day long.

In short: life with Malonyo is nice and easy and I couln't think of a better dog.

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Meet Malonyo, his father Barongo and granddad Ulanyo on thier website.


Pedigree of the M&M litter

Click on the pedigree for a larger view.

(NOTE: Go to Pedigree with 5 generations here



My expectations for the upcoming litter

I met Malonyo for the first time at the World Dog Show in Leipzig in 2017. And after that I have recently met him twice at German club shows. He has the best temperament, and he is calm and loving and well-balanced. His x-ray results and DNA tests can't get any better. I really think he matches Milla really well. He is also handsome and can contribute with so many good things.

With both Milla's and Malonyo's lovely natures I believe they will have puppies that are well equipped to meet the big world outside - stabel and really good family compagnions. Many of us are hoping for lots of little M&M's running around the puppy enclosure this summer.

Both Milla and Malonyo are extraordinary good family dogs. They are happy, loving and active, but also calm. They are both gunshotproof, trainable and show really good blodtracking skills. If you want to attend blood tracking training, there could be a really good basis here. I also expect a good foundation for Obedience, Rally and Nosework. Milla in particular shows excellent talent for these disciplines. And there are also lots of show potential, because of many great Champions and Multichampions in the pedigree of the future puppies.

Based on Milla's and Malonyo's gene tests, I expect some sound and healthy puppies of the colour red wheaten, and with sufficient black mask. No puppies with brown noses are expected in this combination.

They have both been tested free of the diseases we DNA test for in our breed, and they are both x-rayed free of dysplasia in the hip joint, elbow joint and shoulders.



IMPORTANT KNOWLEDGE: Kennel Hazinas is standing on the sideline throughout your dog's life, giving you advice, guidance and help when you need it. We are only a phone call or text message away.



Baby Malonyo:

Baby Milla:


Click on the logo above to go to start

Little photo gallery


Adult Malonyo:

Photos: Karin van Klaveren

Meet Malonyo, his father Barongo, and granddad Ulanyo on their website.


Adult Milla:

Læs mere om Milla og se flere fotos på hendes egen webside

Kennel Hazinas - Breeding with care!

Copyright 2024 Kennel Hazinas. All rights reserved.